Tuesday 29th February 2016

So many things have been happening on so many levels today! I had a lovely chat with the Community/fundraising lady at Tesco Extra this morning, explaining to her about my swimming challenge and efforts to fundraise for the Hearing Fund. I’m being given two days at the end of May, to bring together a bag packing team, and have a display about the charity.  I have lots of exciting ideas to make this fun and interesting and will share more on here as the details are confirmed. I have now also made contact with Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s!!  I am in the process of creating teams of 10 people who can spare a few hours, so if you would like to be involved, please message me.

I’ve also been in touch with our local Arrow magazine which comes through our letter box each month. The editor has asked me to write an article about what I’m doing, and will print a monthly update of my swimming distance and monies raised.  This will go out to all the homes in our local village, and outlying areas.

Another exciting event which I have added to my diary today is that I found out that I will be spending a day at Merrill and Justin’s Serenity weekend in April, where I’m hoping to have plenty of opportunities to share with them face to face about what has been going on. I am equally excited to see Joanne Milne and her Mum again, and to catch up with Tracey from the Hearing Fund to talk about all sorts 😉

Joanne's bookSpeaking of the lovely Joanne, her book arrived from Amazon this morning!  I am desperate to find a quiet few hours so I can read this. Roll on the weekend 🙂

If you would like a copy, the link is



Finally, I just wanted to share something my sister reminded me of today.  Our Dad used to say:

‘The difficult takes a little time; the impossible takes a little longer!’

I’m quite sure he is up in heaven smiling right now 🙂 🙂 I believe I am what they would call ‘a chip off the old block!’



One Comment

  1. Hi lovely lady!
    If you let me know the dates for bag packing and I am free I’ll come down to help.
    love from you friend up North.. xx



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